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Industrial Real Estate Opportunities in Turkey

Number One Property Blog
Industrial Real Estate Opportunities in Turkey
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A fan of the Number One Property blog can notice our interest in providing our dear clients with information about Real Estate Investment in Turkey, like opportunities, prices, benefits, taxes, etc… Today's article will focus on industrial real estate opportunities.

Investing in industrial real estate in Turkey can be a viable option considering the country’s strategic location, its growing economy, and the various incentives provided by the government to attract foreign investment. Below are some factors and considerations to keep in mind:

Turkey Commercial Real Estate Industry Overview

Industrial Real Estate Opportunities

Turkey’s Commercial Real Estate Industry is thriving, backed by the country's strategic location at the crossroads of Europe and Asia, serving as a magnetic hub for business and trade.

The diversified sector encompasses retail spaces, office buildings, and industrial properties. With a steady influx of foreign investment stimulated by enticing government incentives and a Citizenship-by-Investment program, the market is experiencing heightened demand and growth.

Urban development initiatives, particularly in bustling cities like Istanbul, Ankara, and Izmir, further drive the market, offering state-of-the-art commercial properties that appeal to domestic and international investors.

Strategic Location:

Turkey is strategically located, providing easy access to multiple markets in Europe, the Middle East, and Asia.

This position makes it a key player in international trade, attracting significant business activities. This geographic advantage bolsters demand for commercial spaces, including offices, retail centers, and warehouses.

The country has a robust infrastructure with modern highways, railways, and ports facilitating efficient transportation.

Diverse Industries:

Turkey has a wide range of industries, including automotive, textiles, electronics, tourism, agriculture, and more, which can offer various industrial real estate investment opportunities.

Turkey boasts a diverse economy ranging from tourism, agriculture, and manufacturing to a growing tech industry. The diversity creates varied demands for commercial real estate, with each sector seeking specific types of properties and facilities.

Investment Incentives:

The Turkish government offers various incentives for foreign investors, including tax breaks, customs duty exemptions, and land allocation advantages.

Free Zones:

Turkey has multiple free zones designed to boost foreign investment and trade. These zones offer additional incentives, like total exemption from corporate income tax on export profits.

Growing Urbanization

With a rising population and increased urbanization, major Turkish cities like Istanbul, Ankara, and Izmir witness substantial demand for commercial properties. Urban development projects contribute to the availability and variety of commercial real estate options.

Market Segments

  • Retail Spaces: Turkey’s growing middle class and vibrant tourism industry fosters a thriving retail market. Shopping malls, high street shops, and retail parks in urban centers are popular investment options.
  • Office Spaces: With the rise of domestic and international businesses, there's robust demand for office spaces, especially in business districts within major cities.
  • Industrial and Logistics: The growth of e-commerce and Turkey’s role as a logistics hub generate demand for warehouses, distribution centers, and industrial parks.
  • Hospitality and Leisure: Given Turkey’s popularity as a tourist destination, investment in hotels, resorts, and other hospitality-related properties remains strong.

Steps to Invest:  

  • Market Research: Conduct thorough research of Turkey's industrial real estate market, focusing on the specific industries or regions you are interested in.  
  • Legal Framework: Familiarize yourself with the legal requirements for purchasing and owning real estate in Turkey as a foreign national or corporation.  
  • Professional Advice: Consider hiring real estate professionals, legal advisors, and financial consultants with experience in the Turkish market to guide you through the process.  
  • Site Visits: Please plan visits to the properties and industrial zones you are interested in to understand the available opportunities better.  
  • Due Diligence: Conduct due diligence to evaluate your investment's viability, risks, and potential returns.  
  • Negotiation & Acquisition: Negotiate terms and finalize the acquisition with the assistance of your advisors and legal team.  

Popular Areas for Industrial Real Estate:

Istanbul and surrounding areas are significant hubs for industrial activities due to their strategic location and accessibility.

The Aegean Free Zone, Mersin Free Zone, and Antalya Free Zone are popular free zones for industrial investments.

Cities like Bursa, Izmir, Kocaeli, and Gaziantep are known for their industrial base and offer various opportunities.

Industrial and Commercial Real Estate Consultancy  

For the most accurate and current information, you must contact real estate professionals and investment consultants dealing with foreign investments in Turkey.

We, "Number One Property," can provide detailed insights, legal assistance, and support in finding the best industrial real estate opportunities that align with your investment goals.

Advantages of Investing in Industrial Property in Turkey

Industrial Real Estate Opportunities

Turkey’s industrial property sector offers an alluring blend of low acquisition costs and high returns, giving international investors a golden opportunity. This dynamic market, supplemented by the prospect of obtaining Turkish citizenship, makes it an investment frontier worth exploring.

Low property prices

Turkey’s industrial real estate market boasts competitive prices, allowing investors to enter at a lower cost than many Western and Asian counterparts.

These relatively low prices are especially beneficial for new investors looking to establish a foothold in the market without immense capital expenditure. With the Turkish government’s proactive approach towards foreign investment, the market presents favorable conditions for investment at attractive valuations.

High return on investment

Investing in Turkish industrial property promises lucrative returns for several reasons:

Turkey’s unique geographical positioning makes it an ideal location for international trade and logistics businesses.

The steady rise of e-commerce in Turkey creates a burgeoning demand for warehouses and distribution centers, driving up the industrial sector's rental yields and property values.

Government incentives and policies to stimulate foreign investment and trade have fostered a business-friendly environment that positively influences the industrial property market.

With a growing economy and increasing demand for industrial spaces, the limited supply of well-located properties can lead to significant capital appreciation over time.

Obtaining Turkish citizenship

Turkey offers a Citizenship-by-Investment Program that acts as a significant incentive for foreign investors:

  • Investment Threshold: With a minimum investment of $400,000 in real estate, investors can qualify for Turkish citizenship. This relatively low entry point makes it an attractive option for many international investors.
  • Simplified Process: The Turkish government has streamlined the application process, making it straightforward and relatively quick for investors to obtain citizenship.
  • Global Mobility: A Turkish passport grants visa-free or visa-on-arrival access to many countries worldwide, facilitating ease of travel for business and leisure.
  • Family Inclusion: Investors can include their families in the citizenship application, extending the benefits of Turkish citizenship to their spouses and dependent children.

The trifecta of low property prices, high return potential, and the opportunity to obtain Turkish citizenship makes investing in industrial property in Turkey compelling.

As you navigate through investment options, Turkey’s industrial real estate sector emerges as a beacon of opportunity, promising robust financial returns and offering the added advantage of global mobility and citizenship perks.

Turkey's industrial property market is undoubtedly worth considering for investors seeking affordability, profitability, and legal advantages benefits.

Key reasons to invest in industrial Real Estate

Industrial Real Estate Opportunities

Industrial Real Estate investment is an often under-appreciated asset class with lucrative potential for discerning investors. Against the backdrop of a changing economic landscape, investing in industrial properties is emerging as a wise and forward-thinking strategy for several compelling reasons.

Steady Cash Flow

Industrial properties typically secure longer leases compared to residential or commercial assets. These extended agreements provide investors with a reliable and steady cash flow, generating consistent income over time.

Lower Operational Costs

Generally, industrial properties require less maintenance and have lower operational costs. The tenants often bear responsibility for property management, repairs, and upkeep, significantly reducing investors' burden.

High Demand & Limited Supply

With the rise of e-commerce, there is an escalating demand for warehouses, distribution centers, and fulfillment facilities. This surge in requirement, coupled with a limited supply of strategically located properties, makes industrial real estate a premium and sought-after investment.

Resilience to Economic Fluctuations

Industrial assets exhibit a remarkable resilience to economic downturns. While other real estate sectors might experience volatility, the demand for industrial spaces, especially warehouses and distribution centers, often remains stable or even increases in challenging economic environments.


Industrial real estate can be a valuable addition to an investment portfolio since it provides diversification benefits. Investors can spread their risk and hedge against economic uncertainties and market fluctuations by including assets not directly linked to the broader market.

This can provide protection for their investments and potentially enhance their overall returns.


Investing in commercial property in Turkey offers a significant advantage of low risk. Not only is the Turkish economy one of the fastest-growing economies globally, but its banking sector is also highly regulated, providing investors with a secure investment opportunity. Additionally, the government maintains economic stability through a low debt-to-GDP ratio and low inflation rates, ensuring investors a return on their investments.

Strong Return on Investment (ROI)

Due to their strategic importance and the growing demand from the e-commerce and logistics sectors, well-located industrial properties often offer attractive returns on investment. Investors can anticipate both immediate income and long-term property value appreciation.

Recognizing industrial real estate's inherent value and potential is crucial in today’s investment landscape. With its promise of steady cash flows, lower operational costs, and strong demand dynamics, industrial property investment stands out as a robust and resilient choice for investors aiming for both stability and growth in their portfolios. Whether you’re a seasoned investor or exploring new avenues, considering the industrial real estate sector might be the strategic move you need to bolster and diversify your investment portfolio.


Investing in industrial real estate in Turkey requires careful planning, thorough research, and professional advice. The country offers promising opportunities due to its strategic location, diversified industries, and investor-friendly policies, but understanding the local market dynamics and potential challenges is crucial for successful investment.



Yes, foreigners can own industrial property in Turkey. The Turkish government has enacted legislation and regulations to attract foreign investment, including the purchase of industrial property. Foreign individuals and businesses can own and own industrial real estate, such as factories, warehouses, and other industrial facilities.

Investing in commercial real estate may be a lucrative business. Rental income from commercial real estate can produce steady cash flow. The typical yearly return on investment is roughly 6% to 12% of the purchase price, which is greater than for residential buildings.