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Turkish citizenship
And ways to get it 2024

Turkish citizenship decisions

Owned by the Palestinians
The Turkish government issued a decision allowing Palestinians to own real estate in Turkey and obtain Turkish citizenship
Issuance of the Naturalization Law
It is not possible to obtain citizenship from a property purchased from a foreigner who previously obtained it through him The entire property must be in his name, i.e. he is not a participant in its ownership
القرار الثالث
قرار 05/2022 تعديل يخص قيمة الحصول على الجنسية التركية عن طريق الاستثمار العقاري
القرار الرابع
أصدرت الحكومة التركية قراراً يسمح للفسطينيين بالتملك العقاري في تركيا والحصول على الجنسية التركية
القرار السادس

Turkish Citizenship By Real Estate Investment

Are you looking to obtain Turkish citizenship through real estate investment? Look no further! We will discuss the process and requirements for acquiring Turkish citizenship by investing in property.




Benefits of Obtaining Turkish Citizenship through Real Estate Investment

Turkey offers a unique opportunity for foreign investors to obtain citizenship through property ownership. By investing a certain amount in Turkish real estate, individuals can qualify for fast-track citizenship, opening doors to a wealth of benefits and opportunities in this vibrant country.

First and foremost, acquiring Turkish citizenship enables you to enjoy all the privileges and rights of being a Turkish citizen.

You gain unrestricted access to the country, allowing you to live, work, and study in Turkey without needing a residence permit. As a Turkish citizen, you can benefit from the country's social security and healthcare systems, ensuring peace of mind for you and your family.

Turkish citizenship opens up global mobility opportunities. With a Turkish passport, you can travel visa-free or obtain visa-on-arrival access to numerous countries worldwide. This valuable advantage makes business and leisure travel hassle-free, facilitating international connections and expanding your horizons.

Regarding investment, Turkish citizenship provides a gateway to a thriving market. As a citizen, you can freely buy and sell property in Turkey, allowing you to generate rental income or explore further real estate investment opportunities.

Moreover, you can establish your own business or invest in existing ventures, benefiting from Turkey's favorable business environment and access to the European and Middle Eastern markets.


Requirements for Turkish Citizenship by Real Estate

Specific requirements must be met to qualify for Turkish citizenship through real estate investment. These requirements ensure the investment aligns with the government's sustainable economic growth and development vision.




The primary requirement is a minimum investment threshold. The minimum investment amount to be eligible for Turkish citizenship is $400,000.

This investment can be made by purchasing one or multiple properties if the total value meets or exceeds the threshold. The investment must also be proven through official documents, such as title deeds and bank transfers.

It's important to note that the property's value must be determined by an official valuation report issued by an authorized appraisal company. The report ensures transparency and accuracy in valuing the investment for citizenship purposes.

In addition to the investment amount, the property must be subject to a no-sale restriction for at least three years. This means you can only sell the property for up to three years from the date of acquisition. However, you are free to rent out the property during this period, allowing you to generate income from your investment.

To proceed with the citizenship application, you must also provide a clean criminal record from your home country or any other country you have resided in for the past five years. This requirement ensures that individuals with a criminal background are not granted citizenship through this investment program.

More Information About Turkish Citizenship by Real Estate Investment

A decision was taken to raise the value of the property that must be purchased to obtain Turkish citizenship by the Turkish government, from $250,000 to $400,000 and this decision requires that the property not be sold for a period of 3 years and obtaining Turkish citizenship in exchange for buying a property worth $250,000 continued from September 2018 to April 2022 and from June 2022, the foreign investor will have to buy a property with a value of no less than $400,000 if the purpose of real estate ownership is to obtain Turkish citizenship and this decision comes within a series of recent amendments regarding the conditions for obtaining Turkish citizenship through real estate investment

The possibility of obtaining Turkish citizenship through real estate ownership is one of the best and most effective ways that combine the advantages of profitable investment or housing and stability in Turkey and obtaining Turkish citizenship with its strong passport at the same time, in addition to that the possibility of benefiting from the property through leasing and resale after the expiration of a period of 3 years with a remunerative return.

One of the additional advantages of obtaining Turkish citizenship through real estate investment is that the wife and children under the age of eighteen can also obtain citizenship through the same application file that the investor submits for naturalization.

You and your family will be able to retain Turkish citizenship forever and act as a Turkish citizen completely in terms of provisions, laws and inheritance as your property and investment will pass smoothly to your family.

Obtaining a Turkish passport provides visa-free access to more than 100 countries around the world, including Japan, South Korea and South America, and its holder can easily obtain an entry visa to the European Union and the United States of America.

As of January 2022, it is no longer possible for investors to deposit money into the seller’s account or deal in Turkish lira directly, as some procedures have been amended that require foreign investors to send their money to a Turkish bank before purchasing the property, which will in turn transfer the currency through the Turkish Central Bank into Turkish lira to complete the purchase.

According to the current Turkish law, citizens of some countries are currently prevented from owning property in Turkey, and they are nationals of Armenia, Cuba, Nigeria, North Korea, and Syria.


The Power of Turkish Passport

A Gateway to Global Opportunities and Investment Benefits.

The Turkish passport has earned recognition as a symbol of enhanced global mobility and an access point to a world of opportunities.

The introduction of Turkey's Citizenship by Investment program has augmented the value of the Turkish passport, alluring foreign investors and consolidating Turkey's position as a significant geostrategic player.

The citizenship program has enabled Turkey to attract foreign capital and investments, boosting its economy and expanding its global reach.

As a result, Turkey has become a favored destination for investors seeking to secure Turkish citizenship and harness the benefits of holding a Turkish passport.


Facts About Turkish Passport


The Turkish passport ranks 37th in global power and has a world reach of 65%.

The Turkish passport offers significant global mobility, with visa-free or visa-on-arrival access to 129 countries.

This includes:

70 countries with visa-free access

53 with visa-on-arrival

6 with ETA (Electronic Travel Authorization)

69 Countries Visa Required

In today's interconnected world, the power of a passport transcends beyond mere travel documents; they represent freedom, opportunities, and global connectivity.

The Turkish passport, in particular, has emerged as a significant tool in this global landscape, offering its holders a wide range of benefits and access to numerous countries worldwide.


Visa-Free Travel and Global Access


The Turkish passport is a key to the world for its holders, offering an expansive realm of visa-free travel opportunities.

This privilege extends to over 129 countries, covering various continents and regions. Turkish passport holders can traverse major global destinations without the hassle of lengthy visa procedures, be it for vacationing on the Caribbean's sandy beaches, exploring Southeast Asia's cultural riches, or conducting business in the high-tech cities of East Asia.

This extensive list includes emerging markets and several developed nations, making the Turkish passport particularly advantageous for entrepreneurs, business executives, and leisure travelers.

Among these countries are some of the world's most sought-after business hubs and financial centers, such as Japan and South Korea, where Turkish citizens can enter and engage in business activities without needing a pre-arranged visa.

This ease of access opens doors to new markets, facilitates international partnerships, and allows for spontaneous business travel, a crucial factor in today's fast-paced global economy.

Furthermore, the Turkish passport's visa-free travel is not only about physical accessibility but also symbolizes Turkey's growing diplomatic relations and international presence.

Each visa waiver agreement is a testament to Turkey's solid bilateral ties and respected global position.

For tourists and cultural enthusiasts, this visa freedom means experiencing the world's diverse heritage, cuisine, and landscapes with minimal travel restrictions.

The ability to travel visa-free to popular tourist destinations like Thailand, Malaysia, or the Maldives adds significant value to the Turkish passport, making it a cherished possession for those who seek to explore the world without the constraints of complex visa processes.

In essence, the visa-free access that Turkish passport holders enjoy significantly enhances their global mobility, opening a world of opportunities for both personal enrichment and professional growth.

This feature of the Turkish passport simplifies international travel and reflects the country's growing influence and connectivity in the global community.


Banking and Financial Benefits

The banking and financial privileges of holding a Turkish passport or acquiring Turkish citizenship through investment are significant and multifaceted. Opening a Turkish bank account unlocks a world of financial services and opportunities in Turkey's robust banking sector.

This means access to a wide range of banking products for investors and Turkish citizens, from high-yield savings accounts to investment services in the Turkish Lira and equivalent foreign currencies.

The flexibility to conduct transactions in multiple currencies is particularly advantageous for those who operate in international markets or have financial commitments in different countries.

Furthermore, the Turkish banking system is known for its stability and progressive banking regulation, overseen by the Banking Regulation and Supervision Agency.

This ensures a secure and favorable banking environment for depositors and investors alike. Turkish banks offer competitive interest rates and investment options, making them attractive for short-term savings and long-term financial planning.

Participation in Turkey's private pension system is another critical financial benefit available to Turkish passport holders and those who acquire Turkish citizenship.

This system offers various investment options with tax advantages and government contributions, enhancing the potential for savings growth. The private pension system in Turkey is designed to provide financial security for the future, offering flexible plans that can be tailored to individual financial goals and retirement plans.

These banking and financial benefits contribute to a comprehensive financial portfolio for foreign investors and Turkish citizens.

The ability to manage assets and investments efficiently within Turkey's banking system, combined with the security and growth potential offered by the private pension system, creates a solid financial foundation.

The Turkish passport extends beyond mere travel freedom, encompassing key financial advantages crucial in today's global economy.

It opens doors not just to new markets and business opportunities but also to a stable and advantageous economic environment, elevating the overall value of Turkish citizenship for individuals and investors worldwide.


Residency and Family Inclusion


The aspect of residency and family inclusion in the Turkish Citizenship by Investment program is a critical component that adds a profound familial dimension to the investment journey.

When a foreign national acquires Turkish citizenship through investment, it is not an isolated benefit; it also extends to their immediate family.

This means that alongside the investor, their spouse and dependent children are also eligible for Turkish citizenship, providing the entire family with the security and benefits of being Turkish citizens.

This inclusive approach significantly eases the whole family's integration into Turkish society. Obtaining a residence permit as part of this program allows families to live, work, and study in Turkey, offering them a chance to fully immerse themselves in the Turkish way of life.

This opportunity is invaluable for families seeking a new beginning or exploring Turkey's cultural richness and dynamic lifestyle.

For children, mainly, this opens up a realm of educational opportunities. Turkey boasts several high-quality international schools and universities, and as Turkish citizens, these educational institutions become more accessible.

This means children can benefit from a diverse and rich academic environment, which can be a critical factor for families considering the move.

Additionally, the program’s provisions for family inclusion ensure that the dependents can enjoy the same healthcare and social services as any Turkish citizen.


Cultural and Educational Exchanges

The Turkish passport also facilitates cultural and educational exchanges. Holders can study in various countries, participate in international programs, and experience diverse cultures.

This exposure is invaluable in today’s globalized world, where cross-cultural understanding and global networking are essential to personal and professional development.


Safety and Global Recognition

The Turkish passport is widely recognized and respected globally, providing its holders security and protection.

In times of need, Turkish diplomatic missions worldwide offer assistance and support to Turkish citizens, contributing to their safety and well-being abroad.

The power of the Turkish passport lies in its ability to open doors worldwide, offering its holders a blend of mobility, opportunity, and security.

Whether for business, travel, education, or cultural experiences, the Turkish passport is critical to unlocking a world of possibilities.

As Turkey continues to strengthen its global standing, the value of its passport is only set to increase, making it a coveted asset for citizens and investors alike.


The Process of Acquiring Turkish Citizenship through Real Estate Investment

The process of acquiring Turkish citizenship through real estate investment involves several steps. Understanding these steps will help you navigate the process with ease and confidence.




  1. Property Selection: The first step is to choose the right property that meets your investment goals and preferences. Consider location, market trends, rental potential, and future growth prospects. Consulting with a reputable real estate agent assisting foreign investors can significantly simplify this step.
  2. Due Diligence: Once you have selected a property, it is crucial to conduct due diligence to ensure its legality and compliance with all regulations. This includes verifying ownership documents, title deeds, and any existing debts or encumbrances on the property. Engaging the services of a qualified lawyer is highly recommended to protect your interests and avoid potential pitfalls.
  3. Purchase Agreement: After completing due diligence, a purchase agreement is drawn between the buyer and seller. This agreement outlines the terms and conditions of the transaction, including the purchase price, payment schedule, and any special clauses. It is essential to have the agreement reviewed by legal experts before signing.
  4. Valuation Report: As mentioned earlier, an official valuation report is required to determine the property's value for citizenship purposes. An authorized appraisal company prepares this report and accurately assesses the property's market value.
  5. Application Submission: Once the property is acquired and all necessary documents are in order, the citizenship application can be submitted to the relevant authorities. Along with the application form, you must provide supporting documents, including proof of investment, passport copies, photographs, and a clean criminal record.
  6. Application Processing: The authorities will review your application and conduct the necessary checks. This process typically takes several months, during which your application will undergo scrutiny to ensure compliance with all requirements. It's essential to be patient and provide any additional information or documentation if you'd like to.
  7. Citizenship Approval and Oath: Upon completing the application process, you will receive an approval letter granting Turkish citizenship. To finalize the process, you must declare allegiance at a designated government office or consulate. Once the oath is taken, you officially become a Turkish citizen.

Popular Real Estate Investment Options for Turkish Citizenship

Turkey offers diverse real estate investment options for those seeking Turkish citizenship. Whether you are interested in residential properties, commercial properties, or investing in the booming Turkish real estate market, there are numerous opportunities to explore.


  1. Residential Properties: Investing in residential properties is a popular choice for obtaining Turkish citizenship. From luxurious apartments in Istanbul to beachfront villas in Antalya, Turkey offers many residential options to suit different lifestyles and preferences. These properties provide a comfortable living space with solid rental income or resale potential.
  2. Commercial Properties: Investing in commercial properties can be lucrative for those looking to establish a business or generate rental income. Commercial properties such as office spaces, retail shops, and industrial units offer excellent investment opportunities, especially in major cities like Istanbul, Ankara, and Izmir. With Turkey's growing economy and vibrant business environment, commercial properties have the potential for long-term growth and profitability.
  3. Real Estate Development Projects: Participating in projects is another investment option. These projects involve investing in off-plan properties or contributing to the development of large-scale projects such as residential complexes, shopping malls, or hotel resorts. Participating in development projects offers potential returns on investment and contributes to the growth and transformation of Turkey's real estate sector.
  4. Tourism Properties: Turkey's thriving tourism industry presents an attractive investment opportunity. Investing in tourism properties such as hotels, resorts, or vacation homes allows you to tap into the country's booming tourism sector. With millions of visitors visiting Turkey each year to explore its rich cultural heritage and breathtaking landscapes, tourism properties offer the potential for high rental yields and capital appreciation.


Tips for Choosing the Right Property for Turkish Citizenship

Selecting the right property is crucial to obtaining Turkish citizenship through real estate investment. Here are some tips to help you make an informed decision:




  1. Location: Consider the location carefully, as it can significantly impact the value and potential of your investment. Look for areas with solid infrastructure, proximity to amenities, and good transportation links. Popular destinations like Istanbul, Antalya, and Bodrum offer many investment opportunities.
  2. Market Trends: Stay updated on the latest trends and forecasts. Research the demand and supply dynamics, rental yields, and projected growth in the area you are considering. This information will help you assess your investment's long-term viability and profitability.
  3. Developer Reputation: If you are investing in off-plan properties or development projects, research the reputation and track record of the developer. Look for developers with a solid portfolio, proven experience, and good customer reviews. This will ensure your investment is in safe hands and delivered as promised.
  4. Legal Assistance: Engage the services of a qualified lawyer who specializes in real estate transactions. They will guide you through the legal aspects, review contracts, and protect your interests. This step is crucial to avoid any legal issues or complications that may arise.
  5. Financial Planning: Consider your financial capabilities and plan your investment accordingly. Could you determine your budget, including additional costs such as taxes, fees, and maintenance expenses? It's essential to clearly understand the financial commitment involved and ensure it aligns with your investment goals.

Common Mistakes to Avoid When Applying for Turkish Citizenship through Real Estate

While obtaining Turkish citizenship through real estate investment offers numerous benefits, it's essential to avoid common mistakes that can hinder the application process. Here are some pitfalls to watch out for:


  • Incomplete Documentation: Ensure all required documents are complete and accurate. Please complete or correct documentation to avoid delays or rejection of your application. Double-check each document and seek professional assistance if needed.
  • Underestimating Costs: Be aware of all the costs involved, including taxes, fees, and legal expenses. You must account for these costs to maintain your financial plans and potentially affect the completion of your investment.
  • Inadequate Due Diligence: Thoroughly research the property and conduct proper due diligence. Failure to do so can result in purchasing a property with legal issues or unforeseen liabilities. Engaging the services of professionals, such as lawyers and real estate agents, can help you ensure a smooth and secure transaction.
  • Non-Compliance with No-Sale Restriction: Adhere to the no-sale restriction period of three years. Selling the property before the stipulated time can result in the cancellation of your citizenship and legal consequences.

Frequently Asked Questions about Turkish Citizenship by Real Estate




Is there an age limit to apply for Turkish citizenship through real estate investment?

No, there is no age limit for applying. Individuals of all ages can apply if they meet the investment and other requirements.


Can I rent out the property during the no-sale restriction period?

You can rent the property and generate income during the three-year no-sale restriction period. Renting out the property is a great way to utilize your investment and cover some costs.


Do I need to learn the Turkish language to qualify for citizenship?

There is no language requirement for obtaining Turkish citizenship through real estate investment. However, language learning can significantly enhance your integration into Turkish society and facilitate communication.


Professional Services for Assistance with Turkish Citizenship by Real Estate

Navigating the process of acquiring Turkish citizenship through real estate investment can be complex and time-consuming. To ensure a smooth and successful journey, many individuals opt for professional services that specialize in assisting foreign investors.

These services offer comprehensive support throughout the process, from property selection to citizenship approval. They have extensive knowledge of the real estate market, legal requirements, and the application process, ensuring that your investment aligns with the citizenship criteria. Working with professionals can save you valuable time, minimize risks, and provide peace of mind.

Conclusion (Your journey to obtaining Turkish citizenship)

Investing in Turkish real estate has never been more rewarding, and obtaining Turkish citizenship through real estate investment opens up a world of opportunities. By following the process, meeting the requirements, and making informed investment decisions, you can take advantage of the benefits of being a Turkish citizen.

Turkey's strategic location, diverse culture, and strong economy make it an attractive destination for investors worldwide. Acquiring Turkish citizenship grants access to a favorable business environment and allows you to immerse yourself in the rich history, stunning landscapes, and vibrant lifestyle this country offers.

Embark on your journey to obtaining Turkish citizenship through real estate investment, and let the expertise of professionals guide you every step of the way. The possibilities are endless, and the rewards await you in this dynamic and thriving nation.

Let's Call You Today!

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Yes, you can rent the property after buying it in Turkey and the Turkish real estate market is booming, and you must have a good rental plan and move towards real estate management to achieve the highest possible investment return.

You have to collect all the necessary documents, such as a copy of the passport, marriage certificate (if you are married), residence document, etc., and then submit the application to the relevant authorities in Turkey.

Yes, Türkiye allows the retention of original citizenship while acquiring Turkish citizenship. You just have to make sure that the country of original citizenship does not mind keeping dual citizenship.

Yes, Turkey provides programs for citizenship by real estate investment, as foreigners can obtain Turkish citizenship by investing a specified amount in real estate, which is 400 thousand US dollars.

Yes, you can apply for Turkish citizenship after marrying a Turkish citizen, provided that the marriage has lasted for two years or more.

Turkish citizenship holders can benefit from rights such as visa-free travel to many countries, and they have full political rights in Turkey, in addition to the right to vote and submit government applications.

Customer reviews

Dr. Idris / Iraq

Dr. Idris talks about his experience of obtaining Turkish citizenship through investing with NUMBER ONE Real Estate

Dr. Haqi's / Iraq

Dr. Haqi's experience after he and his family obtained Turkish citizenship with NUMBER ONE Real Estate

Mr. Ziad / Palestine

Mr. Ziad talks about his experience of obtaining Turkish citizenship through investing with NUMBER ONE Real Estate

Mohammad Zareb / Algeria

The journey of buying real estate for the purpose of housing and investment | Customer testimonial

Dr. Usama / Iraq

A review that we are proud of for our dear client, Dr. Osama, after obtaining the nationality

Dr. Mansour / Palestine

Certificate of Dr. Mansour from Palestine with NUMBER ONE Real Estate

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