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Stages of Obtaining Turkish Citizenship

Acquiring Turkish Citizenship
Stages of  Obtaining Turkish Citizenship
Contents table

Obtaining Turkish citizenship is a significant concern for many Syrians and Arabs residing in Turkey. Whether through various types of investment, marriage, Ottoman origins, exceptional nationality, or other avenues, the process involves several stages that remain consistent regardless of the reason for pursuing citizenship. Despite the diverse motivations for nominating oneself, it's crucial to understand that the stages of naturalization in Turkey remain uniform for all applicants.

In this article, we aim to shed light on the stages of citizenship in Turkey and the subsequent management of the naturalization file. We will explore the commonalities in the process, including the necessary follow-up with relevant authorities. This discussion will encompass essential details, ensuring clarity for those interested in pursuing Turkish citizenship.

Law on obtaining Turkish citizenship


Stages of  Obtaining Turkish Citizenship

The legislation governing the acquisition of Turkish citizenship outlines various avenues through which foreigners can apply for naturalization, contingent upon specific conditions outlined in Turkish law. These conditions encompass:

  • Holding a work permit and residing in Turkey for a minimum of five years.
  • Making investments in Turkey under prescribed conditions.
  • Purchasing real estate in Turkey meeting a designated financial threshold (minimum USD 400,000).
  • Contracting marriage with a Turkish national.
  • Pursuing citizenship through adoption.
  • Establishing Turkish or Ottoman lineage.
  • Maintaining continuous residence in Turkey for eight consecutive years.
  • Qualifying for exceptional Turkish citizenship.

Initially, the government prioritized the naturalization of individuals holding university degrees, particularly pertinent with over 3.7 million Syrians residing in Turkey as per official records. Notably, for Syrians seeking Turkish citizenship, the exceptional citizenship route stands as a primary avenue of opportunity.


Navigating the stages of citizenship in Türkiye?

The pathway to Turkish citizenship involves a meticulous progression through seven distinct stages, each pivotal in determining the outcome of an applicant's journey. While the process is unified across all citizenship files, the pace of advancement may vary, particularly concerning investors and exceptional citizenship cases.


Stage 1: Initial Application Submission

Initiating the process, applicants undergo an interview at the Immigration Department, marking the commencement of their official registration and approval. Here, submitted documents undergo rigorous scrutiny, with notarization being imperative. Successful completion of this stage signifies endorsement by the Immigration Department, enabling progression to subsequent stages.


Stage 2: File Transfer

Following approval, the applicant's citizenship file is promptly transferred from the Immigration Department to the Civil Status Directorate. This entity serves as the custodian of citizen ID issuance and supervises the remainder of the citizenship acquisition process.


Stage3: Preliminary Review

The General Directorate of Civil Affairs undertakes an initial review of the file, ensuring the completeness and authenticity of submitted documents. In cases involving familial applications, verification of kinship ties and essential preliminary details is conducted. This phase is characterized by efficiency and precision.


Stage 4 : Security Investigation

A critical juncture, this stage involves an exhaustive security assessment of the applicant's file, encompassing thorough scrutiny of all pertinent security-related aspects. Collaborative efforts with specialized security authorities may be necessary. Notably, the duration of this stage varies based on the complexity and duration of the security inquiry. While exceptional citizenship files often endure protracted scrutiny, routine naturalization applications typically progress more expeditiously, barring instant

Stage 5: Submission to the Council of Ministers for Approval

Upon the completion of meticulous file studies and examination procedures outlined in the fourth stage of the Turkish citizenship application process, the candidate's name is enlisted for inclusion in a list destined for the competent authority's review and signature. This pivotal step ensures that all necessary documentation and evaluations have been diligently scrutinized before proceeding further.


Stage 6: Final Decision Making

In the sixth stage, the conclusive decision regarding the citizenship application is made. This marks the penultimate phase, denoting that the application has ascended to the pertinent authority, awaiting final endorsement through their signature, thereby conferring citizenship status upon the file holder.


Stage 7: Notification of Outcome

The conclusive stage involves the formal notification of the application's outcome, facilitated through the entity responsible for application submission. Here, the individual is notified via an official congratulatory correspondence, signifying the successful acquisition of Turkish citizenship. This notification underscores the individual's entitlement to full citizenship rights and prompts them to proceed to the Civil Population Administration to receive the official naturalization decision. Subsequently, the applicant is required to apply for a Turkish ID card at the Civil Registry corresponding to their residency jurisdiction.

These stages epitomize the structured and detail-oriented approach inherent in the Turkish citizenship acquisition process, ensuring transparency and adherence to regulatory protocols at every juncture.


Correspondence Regarding the Citizenship Process in Turkey: 

Stages of  Obtaining Turkish Citizenship

Below, we provide the contents of letters about citizenship in Turkey, accompanied by translations for those interested

 : The first letter of citizenship

İstisnai Olarak Türk Vatandaşlığının Ka- zanılması başvurunuz başvuru makamınca e-Vatandaşlık Sistemine kaydedilmiş olup gerekli iş ve işlem- lere başlanacaktır

 Your application for Turkish citizenship has been registered by the competent authorities, and the necessary examination and research procedures are carried out.

Second citizenship letter: 

İstisnai Olarak Türk Vatandaşlığının Ka- zanılması başvurunuza ait begeler Genel Müdürlüğümüze gönderilmiş, ancak henüz Genel Müdürlüğümüze ulaşmamıştır.

The documents related to your application for exceptional Turkish citizenship have been sent to our General Directorate, but they have not reached the General Directorate yet.

The third citizenship letter: 

İstisnai Olarak Türk Vatandaşlığının Ka- zanılması başvurunuz Genel Müdürlüğümüze ulaşmış olup başvuru belgeleriniz incelenmektedir.

Your application to acquire exceptional Turkish citizenship has arrived at the General Directorate, and your application documents are being examined.

Fourth citizenship letter: 

Istisnai Olarak Türk Vatandaşlığının Ka-zanilması başvurunuza ilişkin arşiv araştırması yapılmak üzere ilgili kurum (lar)a gönderilmiştir.

Your application for Turkish citizenship has been sent to the relevant institution(s) for archival research.

Fifth citizenship letter: 

İstisnai Olarak Türk Vatandaşlığının Ka- zanılması başvurunuz Karar Makamına sunulacak olan listeye dahil edilecek- tir.

Your application to acquire exceptional Turkish citizenship will be included in the list that will be submitted to the decision body.

Sixth citizenship letter:

 İstisnai Olarak Türk Vatandaşlığının Ka- zanılması başvurunuz Karar Makamına sunulacak olan listeye dahil edilmiştir.

Your application to acquire exceptional Turkish citizenship has been included in the list that will be submitted to the decision body.

Seventh citizenship Letter:

 Istisnai Olarak Türk Vatandaşlığının Ka- zanılması başvurunuz karar alınmak Üzere Karar Makamına gönderilmiştir.

Your application to acquire exceptional Turkish citizenship has been sent to the competent body to make the decision.

The eighth citizenship letter: 

İstisnai Olarak Türk Vatandaşlığının Ka- zanılması başvuru sonucunuz nüfus kütüklerine tescil aşamasındadır.

Your application to acquire exceptional Turkish citizenship is at the registration stage in the population records.

Ninth citizenship letter:

 İstisnai Olarak Türk Vatandaşlığının Ka- zanılması başvuru sonucunun tarafını- za tebliğ edilebilmesi için başvuru makamına müracaat etmeniz gerekme- ktedir.

 You must contact the Civil Registry to notify you of the outcome of your application for exceptional Turkish citizenship.


How to Monitor the Progress of Your Citizenship Application:

Upon submission of your file to the Immigration Department, you will receive a unique code assigned specifically to your application, serving as your application number. It is crucial to retain this code as it enables you to track the progression of your Turkish citizenship application through various stages.

To access information regarding your file through the naturalization tracking system in Turkey, follow these steps:

Enter your Application Number (Başvuru Numarası), which is provided to you following the initial interview.
Input your Date of Birth (Doğum Tarihi).
Verify your identity by completing the image verification process (Resim Doğrulama).
Click on the "Inquiry" button (Sorgula).
Subsequently, the system will generate a result displaying the status and developments of your file, indicating the stage it has reached in the application process.

Stages of  Obtaining Turkish Citizenship

What is the Duration of the Naturalization Process in Turkey?

The timeframe for each stage of the naturalization process in Turkey varies depending on the specific circumstances of the case. Notably, in instances where real estate ownership transactions in Turkey are facilitated by Imtilak Real Estate Company, progression through these stages tends to be expedited.

Typically, the waiting period until the completion of all stages does not exceed 90 days. However, in other cases, the duration may extend slightly beyond this timeframe.

For exceptional citizenship cases or those acquired through marriage or work permits, the journey through the seven stages typically spans a minimum of 9 months. However, numerous instances may require up to two years to navigate through the process from the submission of citizenship papers to the acquisition of citizenship and receipt of the ID card.



Guidelines for Obtaining Turkish Citizenship:

  • The timeline for acquiring citizenship can vary depending on individual circumstances, with investment-based applications often experiencing expedited processing. Turkish authorities are actively streamlining procedures and minimizing bureaucratic hurdles to accelerate the assessment of citizenship files.
  • The Civil Status Directorate may reach out to request additional documents or clarification about your citizenship application, ensuring thoroughness in the evaluation process.
  • It is imperative to safeguard the code assigned to your citizenship application and refrain from misplacing it. In the event of inadvertent deletion of your citizenship file, recourse can be sought by objecting with the Immigration Department. Engaging the services of a Turkish lawyer for guidance in such matters is advisable.
  • Exercise caution in safeguarding your personal and application-related data, particularly the application code, refraining from sharing it with unauthorized individuals.
  • Maintain consistency in your residential address and contact information provided to the Immigration Service during the citizenship application process to facilitate communication and documentation exchange.Individuals arriving in Turkey after the age of 22 are exempt from mandatory military service upon acquiring Turkish 
  • citizenship. However, it is advisable to consult your conscription division receiving your ID card to obtain an exemption certificate. Alternatively, you may opt to fulfill compulsory military service if exemption is not sought.



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